Dear Praying Friends,
Progress!! Progress!! Progress!! As we returned to Haiti this past week, we were amazed (and pleasantly surprised) at the progress that the country is making. We landed on the runway at the airport in Cap Haitian and saw that they are expanding the airport to allow commercial jets to be able to fly into the North. We were then met in the newly painted and remodeled airport (with air conditioning!) by the Haiti Bureau of Tourism, complete with brochures about visiting Haiti. After leaving the airport to head home, we had to stop at a new “lumiere wouj” (red light) at the intersection; it was right next to the new solar powered street lights. Our ride up the mountain was a lot smoother due to the grading that was done; drainage ditches are being dug in preparations for paving the road up the side of the mountain. “Wow,” we said, “our life is going to be much easier in just a few more years when all of this progress is completed!”
But the Lord had another, even bigger surprise for us when we left to go to church Sunday morning. The government had graded and put rocks all the way out to the river. Our forty-five minute trip of bumping and banging to go to church turned into a twenty minute pretty smooth ride! We were driving 30 mph out to church, and we even got out of first gear!!! Praise the Lord!!!Before coming back home to Haiti, we had discussed the need and desire for our entire family to be more involved at the church, but did not know how it would be possible with the condition of the roads. God answered our prayers before we even prayed them.
Please pray for us this term as we are seeking to make much progress ourselves in our ministries here. Harry would like to write some curricula on topics related to the church to be used in our Christian schools. Melissa would like to begin the children’s Bible Clubs and a ladies’ Bible study at the new church. We are also working toward developing a 6-8 week internship program which would give missions students and future missionaries hands-on, practical training in areas such as small engine repair, construction, etc. This past July, one of our supporting pastors approached us about wanting to build a guest house here on the property. This has been a desire of ours as well as the Bowers for a long time. We are planning for work teams to come in November and January. Please contact us if you are interested in coming on a team to help build or in helping financially with this project.
The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18 that “Where there is no vision the people perish” Please pray with us that our vision for progress in our ministries would be in line with what God would have for us to do here. Our progress here is a direct result of your prayers and financial gifts. Thank you so much!
Harry, Melissa, Benjamin, Madelyn, Micah, and Bethany Peart
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