A picture is worth a thousand words, so how many words will you need to describe Haiti? Many people have said that one cannot describe it you just have to experience it. If you are looking for a life changing experience, we have a place for you!
Haiti is located in the Caribbean Sea about 600 miles south of Florida, it shares an island with the Dominican Republic. It is the second poorest country in the world. It is a third world country with people of African descent. The primary language is Haitian Creole with the educated people speaking French. The currency is Haitian gourdes. The main religion is voodoo, or the worship of Satan, often mixed with Catholicism.
Whether on a medical, a construction, or an evangelistic team you will be staying in Wallondry, close to the town of St. Raphael, on the Open Door Baptist Missions Campus. While here you can use your talents to enrich the Lord’s work in Haiti and to ultimately further the spread of the gospel. We hope your visit with us will be one in which the Lord does great things in your life and in the lives of the Haitians you will meet.
We would like to provide you with an information packet. In it you will find information that deals with:
- travel to and from Haiti
- vaccine requirements
- passport regulations
- cultural issues
- a packing list
- and many other important facts.
Please contact us or download our Haiti Missions Trip Information.