Dear Praying Friends,
Many people have a different idea about missionaries and missions. They think that missions is all about preaching to the people to which you minister. That idea is true in part; our ultimate goal in all that we do is to bring glory to God by carrying out His Great Commission. But the practical application of carrying out the Great Commission is evident in many forms throughout our different ministries here in Haiti.
The foundation for all of our activities to carry out the Great Commission is the local church. We praise the Lord for being able to hold an adult conference in June where over 40 adults were encouraged to raise the Christian standard in their homes. This past August, the theme for our children’s VBS was “Victory Over Satan.” Seventeen children gained victory in their lives by accepting Christ as their Savior.
But many times the application of the Great Commission comes in meeting a person’s physical needs, especially when you live in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. A short term missionary who worked with us started vitamin clinics which we now help to continue. In August, three mothers in the pre-natal vitamin clinic came to know Christ.
Other times the application of the Great Commission comes by meeting a person’s educational needs. One of our ministries here in Haiti is the Christian school ministry. This coming year we will have the opportunity to provide a Christian education to close to 400 students. Last week we had the privilege of sharing good, solid principles of Christian education with over 60 teachers from 14 different schools in town. There was a young mother who would never attend church, but she came to our preschool graduation in June. After hearing the gospel during the graduation, she accepted Christ and has not missed one service since.
But one of the most exciting applications of the Great Commission involves you, our supporters. Over the past 8 years, we have hosted 25 teams from supporting churches. In every case, people have left Haiti with a greater burden for missions. Their churches get a greater vision for the lost, not only around the world, but also in their hometown. One of our supporting churches now has specific ministries that it has begun and supports here in Haiti. Why do all of these things happen? One short-term missionary summed it up when she said, “I think that the reason all of these ministries are so successful is because in everything you do you give out the gospel. Whether it is giving out vitamins or passing out tracts, the gospel comes first.” Time is short and people are dying and going to Hell, so let’s get busy applying the Great Commission in every way possible.
Carrying forth the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
Harry, Melissa, Benjamin, Madelyn, Micah, and Bethany Peart